

Security is an utmost priority. That’s why we equipped our owl with a bulletproof vest and lasers to destroy viruses and harmful technological anomalies. With Webroot and Fortinet by our side, we are here to give your system complete security. These tools provide ongoing antivirus protection and patch management which means we can detect and remove viruses immediately, allow strict access to files, and detect any vulnerabilities your systems may have before you even have a chance to notice.

  • Physical Security

    No, physical security doesn’t mean we have a burly owl following you everywhere you go to protect you from muggers. But, it does mean we can protect you from theft. “How is this possible?” You say. Well, we set up security measures to help protect your company from physical threats through ID cards for all employees, scanners that restrict access to certain areas, and security systems that detect when there has been a break-in. By implementing a security system for your business, it will significantly reduce the chance of threats affecting your business operations.

  • Intrusion Security

    *SWOOP* SWOOP* Don’t mind the owl, he’s just sweeping around with his buddy Rapid Fire Tools to detect all servers so that we are aware of exactly how many need to be protected. From there, they find and determine vulnerabilities in the system, who has violated policies, and who has access to certain files. They have also teamed up with FortiGate to utilize his world-class firewalls and security protocols to protect you from external threats. You know, basic superhero protection stuff. 

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